
All About Craig2012

Craig Fling

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Money Partner?

Hello All,
I am new to RE and to this site, and I am looking for some great people who have access to funds who would entertain the idea of partnering together on several opportunities in the Pacific Northwest, specifically in the Portland, OR and Seattle,WA markets. Since I am relatively new, and with limited funds and poor credit, I would consider bird dogging, wholesaling, fix and flips and even property development. I am a student of Dean's and had purchased his program a couple of years ago, but, my now former business made any extra activities difficult. Starting over is tough and exciting and I am looking for a long, strong relationship here in RE. Thanks for looking, responding, and your consideration.

Hi Craig,

john.hervan's picture

I am interested in partnering with you for Bird dogging and Maybe wholesaling.

If you want to see anything in the southwest around the San Diego area let me know. Let me know if you have some real deals around Seattle, and northeast of there.