Joined: 2013-04-16
Points: 37

Dave & Gina
Central Florida
About Me:
We are brand new real estate investors, and have chosen Dean's process to follow. The training we have attended so far are as follows: Boots on the Ground, 3 Day Seminar, and the Buying Summit of April '13. We are in search of buyers in order to complete our 1st deal! It was great meeting everyone at the buying summit, hopefully we can meet more people on Dean's forum!
Finished Training... Getting Started on Deals!
We just returned to Florida from April's Buying Summit!! Wow What an experience, hoping we don't suffer from information overload. A special thanks to Dean for giving and signing his 30 Days book for everyone, We have read Days 1-5 blueprint and are putting those goals in action!
Dave & Gina