Doctor D

All About Doctor D

David Kessel

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FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 38 weeks ago
Local Rules Bearkat4160314 years 44 weeks ago

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I just recently completed the book Profit From Real Estate Right Now. I was excited to get things under way. I have a friend who is a Real Estate Broker and I ran some of the techniques by him to see what he thought of them. He told me that these ideas were in violation of Idaho Code. Specifically, he stated that if I was going to be acting like a Real Estate Agent, that Idaho Code required me to be licensed as a Real Estate Agent to complete these transactions. He also stated that I could not make a Purchase Agreement with a seller and then make another one between that seller and a buyer, even though I was selling my option to purchase the property. He stated that that action would fall under the "double contract" law, which is forbidden. He also stated that I was trying to work in the "grey" area and that I would be opening myself up to excessive liablility. I've read through the code and found that what he has stated is fairly accurate, but it is a grey area in the Idaho Code as it does not specifically state that what Dean teaches is in violation of the code. It could be construed as such should someone decide to take me to court over something concerning a transaction. This particular Broker has made a ton of money and is very knowledgeable in the area of Real Estate and has been in business for himself for over 20 years. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences to share concerning this?