
All About gnk950

Gabriel Negrete
About Me: 

Got into the success academy in May 2010. I went through a foreclosure last year and is probably the lowest point in my life but was determined not let it keep me down. I currently work as a security officer and run my own financial firm part time. Until recently, miost of my investments had all been paper assets (stox, mutual funds, etc). The lack of control, volitality and unpredictabilty finally got to me where i'm tired of playing the market. The 1000 point drop in early May is what finally did it for me. Too many positions unnecessarilly stopped out on me. Perfect timing because shortly after that, I got to go to a 3 day course after which i enrolled into the Success Academy.

Topics I've Participated In

Assignment to Rehabbers, Anyone Done it? msully10901813 years 43 weeks ago
No Cash, No Credit, No Kidding ... (Oh my !!!) Wascally Wabbits714 years 42 weeks ago

Basic Info

Some College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Gabriel

Zion Properties's picture

I apologize for not visiting you earlier! If you still need help with scripts, let me know. There are many thread on the search engine for this site, so I hope you found them! Never give up and keep going! You will succeed!