
All About helwig06

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Randy Helwig
Willis Michigan
About Me: 

Turning 24 in August and in my ripe old age I finally found my Calling! Real Estate Investing!!! Im new to investing and I joined Dean's Real Estate Success academy. My friends and family cannot believe how much I have learned in the past couple of months. My primary goal right now is to solidify my first deal, while working toward pursuing Real Estate as a full time job. I came from a poor family and lost my parents before I grauated from high school. As you can imagine this was very hard. At the same time it brought my family very close together while driving me to grow up at a young age. Learning from the school of hard knocks I'm a determined, postive, no one can knock me down kind of person. Over the past 6 years I have had a career in landscape and lawn maintance. Work is where I compete at a high level. I don't walk with a weed wacker, I run! One site that we did was so BIG, that it took me 6 hours running (equivalent to running a marathon)! Like Landscaping and lawn maintance, im not going to walk as a Real Estate Investor. I'm going to run!

Thanks for all the help Dean

Randy Helwig
"With great asperation, I will succeed"

God (YHWH)!!! Real Estate!!! Anything outside (Camping, Fishing Hunting). I love to run and always pursuing a healther lifestyle. Im very family orientated (my family is my life)

Topics I've Participated In

Looking for a mentor in SE Michigan helwig06011 years 43 weeks ago
Looking for Cash buyers and partners in Michigan helwig06011 years 43 weeks ago

Basic Info

Landscaping & Lawn Maintance (Until Real Estate Pays the Bills)
No Children
Completed High School

Sites I Visit


Looking For cash buyers in Michigan

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Im new to REI and I have 10 buyers on my buyers list. What is the best way to attract buyers?


partnering up

Greetings. Are you interested in buying wholesale assignments in the Detroit area? If so, please let us know.


Warrior Real Estate

Wholesale Assignment

Are you looking to invest in the Detroit area? If so, please let me know.


Warrior Real Estate LLC.