Jeff Joyner

All About Jeff Joyner

Topics I've Participated In

assigning a deal D-HI6309 years 50 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One



All States Investments's picture


you will find a lot of good information here as well as a lot of people that are willing to help you succeed. The great thing about this site is no one is competing with anyone else so it is alway great to see someone else make a good deal. It also may give you inspiration on a deal you can do.

good luck

Land sale

My mom and my aunt own 17 acres of land with 15.5 acres of that being timber,2 of these acres are road front,they inherited this and want to sale there is a brand new subdivision being built 1 mile down the road and a new high school being built 5 miles down the road and a new high school already in place 7 miles down the road,so there is new development in this area.I grew up here and it is a semi rural area that is now 1mile from the city limits.I want to buy out my aunts half of the land and me and my mom sale the land right away or hold,I have a agent pulling comps,one of the road front lots has a house that my family use to rent out that my greatgrandfather built and 2 more road front lots beside the 2 I mentioned belong to my aunt which has a old doublewide on it and she is going to be selling that because my uncle just retired and they are building a house somewhere else.I need advice on how to structure this.I have no money and my mom supports what me and my wife are trying to accomplish so she is my leverage.