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I found an easy Hard Money Lender to work with Oz1415 years 30 weeks ago

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Full speed ahead!

Greetings! As you can see, my name is Jeffrey. If you have looked at the profile provided, you can easily see that I am not terribly well-educated [regarding academia] and am not wealthy [as some would measure wealth in a strictly financial sense]. I am blessed with a wife, a home, three kids, three dogs, two cars, and a whole lot of debt. In short, I am an average “Joe” and, as they say in this “neck of the woods”, I am money poor.

About a month ago my wife’s older [and only] brother, Terry, came to visit us from NY. During his visit of a few days we talked about many things. After three days he left for FL. About a week later [as planned], he visited again on his way back to NY. He stayed for a few days and we talked about many things… again.

A few days later Terry called me from NY saying, “I was watching a program on TV [late last night] about real estate that looks interesting. I ordered the package and had it sent to you so you can look into it.” Imagine my surprise [and my inward laughter].

Well, the package came. I spent about thirty minutes looking over the brochures. I then watched the DVD with my wife, Cathy. That night I started reading the book. By page twenty-five I was checking out web sites and even created a log-in to this site under TerryWinters since he sent me the package.

By page sixty I had done the [market] analysis and started searching for “test” properties. I immediately found one that is a bit distressed and close to me as well as several other [foreclosure] properties that I would love to make offers on. So I called Terry last week and told him that the book reads pretty much like a “How to” manual, that the strategies are laid out in plain language, and that it would appear to be a sound program. I told him also I had located a few properties and that I was moving forward with trying to get investors since I have zero money, am currently unemployed, and severely leveraged.

To date I have been unsuccessful in obtaining funding through friends, colleagues or relatives, to move forward with purchasing property. So currently I am researching funding via this site and others. Once I purchase my first property using someone else’s money then I will truly have made this a “no-money-down” venture since the very program that got me started was given to me as a gift!

Respond as needed; advise as you will.

Seeking your assistance,

Jeffrey Morlock

investors in Georgia

Hi Jeffrey! I have tried several investment programs in the past (carlton sheets, john beck, etc) with no avail. I work for AT&T and, like you, am in considerable debt (plus hate my job)! I have no one to help me. Do you know of any investors in Georgia I could partner with? Where on this website can you post a question like this? From what I have read Dean Graziosi's program is the only legit real estate program out there-I really need to get out of debt badly. You can e-mail me through the forum or my hotmail address is sl_conner@**** My name is Stephanie. Thanks

contract assignment

I have my first contract assignment opportunity but have no investors to call on. Any one know of one that would be interested in a 6 yr old full brick, 3/2 home for 10% of sale price? This will be my first deal and I would really hate for it to pass me by. Thanks to all. Leave me a private message if you would like to know more.

REO - short sale-whole sale

alaskansuccessinc's picture

lets see what we can do, contact me so we can start making money, via networking. a very powerful tool for any seasoned or non seasoned investor.

Hard money lender

how did you find hard money lender? What are the terms, interest rate and any points? I just don't know when they are ligit or a scam. I am very leary to put all my info out on the web.
Thanks, Brian