Joe Huber

All About Joe Huber

Joe Huber
Attleboro MA
About Me: 

Hello DG Family!! I have been in the construction field for a long time now, and have learned a lot when it comes to fixing up homes and apartments. when I first received my Builders license in early 2005 and it did take me a few times to pass the state exam lol!! But I never gave up! I am a very deter-mend person and once I set my mind on something I want NOTHING gets in my way!! I was a painter before I got my license to build and still do. I love to paint!! It relaxes me and I just enjoy the look on my customers faces when they get home from work and there room or rooms are different then when they left. anyways my first experience with real estate was when I took a couple of the TV courses and got some good info and it motivated me to go out and look for real estate. One day I found out in the paper that my home town that I grew up in was having an auction on property that was ceased by the town for non payment of taxes. So I went to it and bought a lot on the same street that I grew up on!! I got my permit and put a modular home on it and sold it in three months! I'm not bragging but I made $60.000 on my first deal!! using the banks money!! Ok now i am on my way to building more houses and making more money! But here was the problem, I had heard that our economy was going down the toilet and I should not do any more investing and so I stopped. people I trusted told me this!! Big mistake!! they were right about the economy but I should of Liston to what my gut was saying. The government taxed me $20.000 and I payed off any one I owed and lived off of the last $10.000. The next Five years was rough no work and no money to pay bills I used credit cards to pay my bills and advertized my business. I saw Deans book on TV and He seems very sincere!! I have just now started to climb out of the hole only another $30,000 to go with credit card debt. I have lessen to deans book at work every day and every night until I fall asleep.I procrastinated for two years after buying Deans book!! And now I am ready to kick ass and most important help people in trouble.If I set my mind right which I have! And with peoples help from this sight( DG family)I know I can get on the road to financial freedom. work is hard that is why they call it work!! But I will never Liston to anyone else but you guys and most of all Dean!!! If I can do it before I can do it again!! Well that's my story in a nut shell!! I am so glad I am taking these steps and not being scared to go out and invest again. I wish everyone here all the best!! And if any one needs my help when it comes to the building field please don't hesitate to get in touch with me!! God Bless!!!

Joe Huber

for fun i like to Hang with my kids! go fishing, golfing, camping, going out to dinner when I feel like I desurve it!!

Topics I've Participated In

assigning a deal D-HI63010 years 3 days ago

Basic Info

General Contractor
Have Child(ren)
Some High School
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
