Joined: 2010-01-25
Points: 10

Do you make purchase/rehab mobile home park loans?
I have six rental properties that I had privately financed. The financier passed away and now the estate is calling in all outstanding debts. I owe 132,000 total plus property taxes and insurance. I would like to finance 140,000 to cover this at the longest term possible to lower payments during this trying economic time. I have $2030 per month income on 4 units and still have 3 units to refurbish. One property is an empty lot. The total tax assessment on these properties are $195,000. Honestly, my credit was excellent 3 or 4 yrs ago, but now, probably not. My wife and I are self employed and the rentals were building toward our retirement. The financier was working with us when times got hard so that we could make ends meet and not lose properties......but then he died. If you think there might be a possiblilty of us working something out please contact me at my inbox here or my email is grantsudduth@****. Thank you for your time have a Blessed day.
Thank you sincerely for opportunity to apply for funding for my project. Please respond for more info. God bless you.
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im interested in knowing more about the loan offer. you can contact me at donnyevans@gmail.c0m