My name is Jean born in the U.S but started my schooling in Haiti until 7years old. My parents came to the US for better opportuniry. They work two jobs to pay the bills and still believing in education as way to make it (they are very strong people). I consider them pioneers because they were the first one in our family to leave Haiti to come to the US barely speaking english. I went to good schools and graduated from college. I was fortunate and bless to meet the love of my life and have 3 beautiful children. After working for sometime in the "real world" my wife and I notice that the dream of going to school and having a job worked for our parents but will have to be different for us. Now I need to be the pioneer in the next generation of my family by going after dream of financial freedom. This is a change of mindset but just like the generation that left Haiti for better opportunity I am prepared to leave the mindset of having just enough to having no limits.
Thank you
I appreciate that advice and will started working on updateing that information.