Joined: 2013-09-06
Points: 31

Lisa Dadon
Poconos, Northeastern PA....1 hour 15 from NYC
About Me:
Love my job and own a large successful practice. I was always finding myself browsing the Internet at properties checking out prices and trend. My kids asked me why I was doing this and I replied because I like it and find it interesting. That was my epiphany. I am always telling my kids they can do what they want but I sit here an da nothing about it. So I started learning I g more and now I'm here. My children think its great that mommy is in school. They take an active role helping out to so it has brought all of us together, I love it. It my new passion that I can share with my family.What could be better!
Travel,sports,running,triathlon , skiing, cooking with vids, motorcycling, family time- day trips, camping, tasting wine/ bee