
All About lovingcare01

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Good Luck this coming New Year

Hello to sll,
My name is Agnes Barolle and I am a new student @ the Ed. Institute. I have been following Dean for over a year and % have always received emsils frm him on reg basis. Anyone else would have given up on someone like me by now. He believes in us more than we believe in ourselves and for that, I thank him. It may be difficult to to get it up and running but, it can be done. Let us bwork very hard andf make this coming year the year to meet our friends and colleaghues who have already made itat the top. Lets b th nxt success story...!!

hello agnes, welcome to this

hello agnes, welcome to this great education center. wishing you true success and good blogging.

Real Estate Education Center

If you register at the education center but does not complete because of different reasons,will you be given the opportunity to finish or continue where you left off especially if you are still required to pay the full tuition? Where does one go to get this resolved? HELP!