Hello, I am a 57 year old Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor for Bernalillo County for the past 6 years. This is a very demanding position, working at the only detox center in the county, graveyard shift. However it can be very fulfilling as well. We help addicts/alcoholics to start a new life free of substance abuse. The burnout rate is on average, only 3 years for workers in this field. I'm not there yet, I hope, but I,m sure the possibility is there. I try to keep the same hours on my days off as I do when working otherwise my sleep schedule gets crazy. Sleep is a valuable commodity and usually only sleep 4 hours out of every 24. Power naps suppliment when I can get them. I've had 2 heart attacks at work requiring hospitalization at the local VA in the past 3 years. I don't want a third. Deans' program is literally going to bne a life saver for me. Thank you frm the bottem of my heart.