
All About MovingMoney

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Stephanie Walton
Houston Texas
About Me: 

In financial industry for 16+ years. Honest and willing to learn and help. I volunteer to youth between the ages of 9yrs old - 17yrs old. I mentor under privileged/lower income kids and I purchase homes in their neighborhoods and rent them. I want to provide a safe, well kept environment that some landlords in those area's who don't care how safe, well kept, or attractive the home may be. I am not there to make friends with my tenants, but I want them to understand, being treated fairly and taking care of someone else's property has nothing to do with where you live or how much money you make, it only depends on your mentality and personal character.

Topics I've Participated In

Asking the right questions? MovingMoney010 years 28 weeks ago

Basic Info

Branch Manager for Accounting Firm
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Asking the right questions=Buyers

MovingMoney's picture

I am in the process of creating a mini questionnaire for potential buyers. What do I ask, I'm new to the investment world and I want to make sure I am headed in the proper direction.