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How do you determine the ARV of a property? johndedwards612 years 40 weeks ago

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Thanks troy! Your Information Has Been Submitted.
You'll be receiving a special informational email about the academy shortly. In the meantime, I want you to think about this.
I want to admit something to you. You can succeed as a real estate investor without any help from me or my Academy. Obviously, I didn't have any training and I did it.
But let's face it, when you're home, whether it's with others or alone, focused on the everyday details of your life, your job, maybe a business, it's easy to get off NOT get started with your plan of real estate success.
It's easy to let money-making real estate investing opportunities slip through your fingers. But from this moment forward, you have a chance to never have to go it alone ever again. You'll be supported and carried forward as a member of my powerful Success Academy and our Alumni community.
We'll be here to encourage you... inspire you... guide you... challenge you... and keep you up-to-date with the latest info and strategies for making your dreams become realities.
I can't describe to you the power we give to our Academy students, the knowledge and actionable steps that allows them to finally start enjoying the kind of money and FREEDOM they had in mind when they first considered real estate investing.
troy, if you fully adopt the knowledge, habits and skills we will help you acquire in my Real Estate Success Academy, you may not even recognize your "old" life a few months from now. You may very well have transformed it into a life you could once only dream of, or envy.
Financial freedom, as you define it, may happen quickly like in 1 to 3 years, or it can take longer...but it really can happen if you are truly committed on all levels (and I believe you are)!
Once you get the information we've sent out, read through it and you decide for yourself if the Academy training is right for you. If you are anxious to learn more about Dean's Academy training right now call 1-888-286-7712 ext. 525.
I look forward to hearing back from you.

Dean Graziosi

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