Joined: 2010-02-04
Points: 19
Warren Wilson
San Antonio Texas
About Me:
Loves all types of people loves his god country his family his freedom.Loves that we live in the greatist country in the world.Despite the struggles we are going thru in our economy.Loves to play all sports except for Hockey.Loves Golf with a passion.Loves the fact that opportunity awaits those who not ,only want it but100 percent embraces that which can come our way at any time.
Loves sports,golf ,write lyrics and loves to sing very much into charity giving loves family and meeting folks from all walks of life.
Just recieved Deans bkks
Just recieved the books as Dean promised.They came in on wednesday,currently looking and reading both books.Along with the past testomonys of the success of past students.Looking forward to hearing from one of the reps by next week end.Want to see what my best options are for financial freedom are.