
All About ramiro007

ramiro007's picture
About Me: 

Investor,Scout. Property locator, I have a list of wholesale properties, Going fast leads come in daily. RHG

Reading up on latest investing strategies!

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No Children
Some College

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Mainly Just This One


DG member

Hey Ram,

My Name is Jerry and was wondering if you or anyone you know invest in the Corpus Christi area?


hey ramiro, my name is jorge. i'm from chuco! el paso texas. i want to get more buyers in el paso as well. i have multiple wholesale deals i've been working on and assigned one to a buyer from phoenix! he saw the numbers and jumped on it. let me know if we can work together somehow. always looking to network.


Fort Worth

Hey Ramiro,

I just found this post on DG.com. I am a fellow student and live in the Fort Worth area. I am always looking to network with more and more people out there. Let's talk!


Ramiro G

ramiro007's picture

Jorge sorry for the delay, Most definitely we can network. Just teamed up with new investor purchase all over texas. I will talk with them. give me a few days. they are cash buyers.

Ramiro G

ramiro007's picture

Jerry just teamed up with new investors, these guys are the real deal. I will talk with them. They deal with wholesale properties all over Texas. Have any deal on the table. shoot me a message when you do. RHG

Ramiro G

ramiro007's picture

Good to hear from you Billy. Most definitely we can network. Just teamed up with new investors. Cash buyers for your wholesale properties. message me when u get a property. Lets see if we can get it pre qualified. RHG

Investor Specials DFW

ramiro007's picture

Wholesale Deals going Fast!
Most properties are 50%-60% off ARV. Looking for seasoned investors. If you can close fast, Lets talk. RHG