
All About screamin07

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tom k

Topics I've Participated In

My new life screamin07413 years 39 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 46 weeks ago
Finding a Loan without a Job? hyperly1114 years 39 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



I saw your note on this group ....How did you get started ....and can you make this work with no initial investment....did you read all the much time did you have to get started .......

Hope I am not tooooooo much of a pain...


Dayton, Ohio

So i am looking for a person who i can work with in Dayton. Wholesaling or what they call the bird dog.


I am Melody and I am just starting out.And I would like to know a somethings.I got a government list of houses and can you get houses like that? Do I bid on them first or do I see if I can get a loan from the bank first.I am stuck.And what does it mean when it says unsound on it.Could you let me know what to do PLEASE.Thank-you.

can we talk/work together?

I see you are in Ohio and need a R/Estate partner mentorin town instead of reaching out 3 STATES AWAYfor a business partner.

Care to help?