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Purchasing Condo sodir013 years 1 day ago
Purchasing Condo sodir013 years 1 week ago
Lease Options in MD? sodir113 years 4 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 22 weeks ago

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How do I access foreclosure alert?

Purchasing a Condo

I live in Washington, DC. My cousin lives in Harlem NY, he's gotten sick and fell into a coma. His chance of recovery is very slim. He has a condo that his siter says is worth $350K. the property has two delinquent mortgages, she has just found out. My cousin his sister who lives in NY wants to hold on to the property, because of where its located.

What would be the best plan of action for me to purchace this property. Lease Option with her as tenant or finding and investor?