I purchased Deans package half way through 08 and since then, the ideas have been getting bigger and bigger. I am a very quick learner and like to go straight to the top. It makes sense to me to make more money for the same amount of work. So, I am now working on Bulk Reos. I started getting packages that were passed around from wholesaler to wholesaler to wholesaler. You get the idea, it was a joke. Nobody knew who actually had the deal and it fell apart for my buyer who was spending 5M. Now I have found a direct source with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and am working with the big dogs. If you have real buyers that can provide an LOI and POF then we can partner up.
My niche is that I can get you CUSTOM packages at 1M min and almost no max. These are the real deal or else I wouldn't be able to get you custom. I can get any state, county, city, zip code, and even commercial. You can get what you want in a certain condition and also a certain value range. I can get the package in 2 days once I get an LOI and POF. You get 7 - 10 days to do due dilligence and then close in 14. The fastest it can close is 7 days, but not guarenteed. If there are any properties that are not within your criteria, then you get replacements!
Please contact if interested and want to purchase or partner up with.
Email: brian.bramer@**** Phone: 661-645-1663