
All About SunniDai

Dana Lager
Pacific Northwest
About Me: 

My best friend of 31 years and I have just recently gotten into investing. We built our home 22 years ago, and have bought two more homes since then, using them as rentals. I personally have worked in childcare my entire adult life, and we used most of our younger years following MY dream, now it's time to follow HIS dream. Smiling

We live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, but have long had a desire to branch out beyond our comfort zone and dabble in real estate in other areas.

Looking forward to getting to know new people and new places! Smiling


Fishing, camping, hiking, reading, gaming, playing piano, cooking and baking

Topics I've Participated In

Thoughts in a blender SunniDai011 years 21 weeks ago
My Celebration of Hope cjgilstrap111 years 22 weeks ago
Just starting out SunniDai811 years 27 weeks ago

Basic Info

My Pets Are My Kids
Completed College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi, I will be the first to...

NickandGen's picture

Say Hi and welcome you to the dg site/"family"..Smiling

I hope you enjoy your journey and learn as much as possible! There is a bunch of info that is on here, so taking a good look at the threads will be of a great benefit to you! Also, you can post your questions on here and receive feedback as well! Don't fret or become overwhelmed if people aren't able to get back to you on's just that everyone are busy trying to either make deals or they're too busy closing! lol...Or whatever else life throws their way! With much time and dedication we will be well on our way!

Try to make this a great and positive experience for you and I promise you will enjoy every bit on here! I may not be seasoned yet, but I don't mind helping! So feel free to pm us anytime! Smiling I have learned so much just from research and networking, so I know you will greatly benefit!

What type of REI are you interested in? And make sure (if you are able to) to get to a REIA group! Eye-wink They will help you alot and also create a solid Buyers list!

Anywho- that's all I can think of.

Until then,

Take care and stay blessed!


Edit: oh, I just remembered,...please fill out your profile, this way the other REI's will be more comfortable speaking with you. This way we can learn a lil bit about you and where you are at least from. You never know, someone just may be in your area! And this can open up a door to doing business! Eye-wink