1. What city are you in?
Corpus Christi, TX
2. What is the current unemployment rate and what was it 12 months ago?
Current 5.8%
12 months ago 6%
3. What’s the current average cost of 3 bedroom house in your area?
4. What’s the average rent for that same house?
5. What are the average annual taxes for that property?
6. What are the current days on market?
post for ipad
1. What city are you in?
Corpus Christi, TX
2. What is the current unemployment rate and what was it 12 months ago?
Current 5.8%
12 months ago 6%
3. What’s the current average cost of 3 bedroom house in your area?
4. What’s the average rent for that same house?
5. What are the average annual taxes for that property?
6. What are the current days on market?