Hi everyone, i just wanted to talk about fear and why it is holding me back. I am an 18 year old father living on my own with a lost job and rent due within the week. I feel like i have everything to become successful and yet i still cannot make my stress and fear go away. My father enrolled me in deans success academy, so i thought that after being in that i could alleviate some of that fear. Sadly, i feel as though i am learning as much as i can but im not learning small minute legal details and how to talk to people and sound like a pro. Not saying anything bad about dean or his program, i just wish i could go do this without having to worry anymore. i have a learning plan in this program but me and my father are enrolled in it so they used his prior knowledge and built a lesson from there. it is all valuable info, but imagine yourself at 18,scared,broke, and wanting to be the man you were put here to be but then not being able to shake your own fears to change.My father helps me when he can but he works and makes great money, so he has nowhere near as much determination or drive to do this and i understand, i would to, but real estate is what i want my life to be and always have, Im tired of the worry and i hate having to ask for help when i have a son, so please if you have any thoughts on how i could end this fear and move to my goals please PLEASE let me know . Thanks:Alex P.