I am a 19 year old beginning in my investment career and my dad,the person that paid for me to get in the success academy is saying NO ONE will give you over 1000 for assigning them a property and that if I just stick with my job I have now (which I despise) I would make more than I would doing this. I am not well versed in this enough to explain how I know this would work. Someone please give a word of encouragement
Alex Payne's blog
buyers galore!!!
August 14th, 2012 | posted by Alex PayneI have had my ghost ads up for 2 days now and buyers are calling like crazy! I feel fantastic and a little overwhelmed at how great these strategies really work. Thanks Dean and everyone at the success academy, withoutyour help this would have never been possible for me.
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Deal one is coming!!
August 10th, 2012 | posted by Alex PayneI am about to put my ghost ads up and build my buyers list! I feel my new life coming strong and fast, Dean and everyone else here has helped me out so much lately with the fear and other negative thoughts i have been having. I must say that without the success academy and Deans video blogs i would be right back to my old life. I have let God guide me to that first night i saw dean on tv and I can't thank him enough for leading me to all of these wonderful people.God bless you Dean, I know that I would not be able to do this without all of your suppourt
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December 26th, 2011 | posted by Alex PayneHi everyone, i just wanted to talk about fear and why it is holding me back. I am an 18 year old father living on my own with a lost job and rent due within the week. I feel like i have everything to become successful and yet i still cannot make my stress and fear go away. My father enrolled me in deans success academy, so i thought that after being in that i could alleviate some of that fear. Sadly, i feel as though i am learning as much as i can but im not learning small minute legal details and how to talk to people and sound like a pro. Not saying anything bad about dean or his program, i just wish i could go do this without having to worry anymore.