Well the past 2 days have been a blur.
A lot of stuff happening. I'm hoping that some of it pays off because it's taking so much of my time that I still haven't finished the first fishing lure. Truthfully, I am more excited about all the RE things that are happening that it's making it hard to concentrate on my other JOB. This tells me that the end of my lure biz is near if I don't make some kind of arrangement to get lures made. Time to put my management skills to work for real.
Okay, RE stuff:
If you are not networking, you are surly missing the boat. I mean you are on the shore waving at the people on the boat that's in the middle of the lake.
For example: My CO connection just asked about property in MI. I mentioned this to my FL connection and got 2 great leads. I get finder's fee if they close.
I'm trying to connect with a fellow DGer with a lead and no money and bring in another fellow DGer with money to the deal whereby all three of us make some money on this deal.
I spoke with FL connection about houses for a new buyer I got and am going to be turned onto another connection of hers which might help me get MM and his investors their houses.
Got notice from another DGer about props they want to sell which I will pass along to a new buyer for a finder's fee.
Through another networking site, I have yet another buyer to pass any deal to that doesn't get snatched up by our current buyers. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK!!!! (Oh yeah, AND DON'T BE GREEDY!!!!)
Other than that, I have posted to a few threads, answered my PMs and emails and made some calls to prospective leads. It's nice to be feeling better and back to work. I just hope I don't kill myself from the overload. I spent most of should have been my sleeping hours last night figuring out how to make this deal happen. What's fair, what's reasonable and what's possible.
And here it is, 11:25 pm and I still wanted to get more done today before calling it a night. BUT I"M EXHAUSTED!!! so I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow.
So until next time....