It seems like I have become the information center lately LOL. In the past week I have helped at least 4 DGers directly on the phone as well as with my postings. I don't mind so please don't take this as a complaint. This is what this site is for. I'm glad to help.
I'm finding it harder to keep my mind on my other biz as I gear up for another attempt at local business. My search is going into another town close by with a larger population and a bit more desirability. Hopefully my friend's little indiscretions haven't reached that far away.
So even though I have not been posting, I have been actively pursuing my goal of financial freedom. Short of winning Pub. Clearing House, it looks like RE is going to be the way. If you (my readers) haven't done something today RE related, how do you expect to reach your RE goals? If you have, congratulations on moving forward.
Till next time...