Today started with stuffing envelopes and getting my letters to the cash buyers out into the mail. DONE!
Next: I emailed my agent for Comps and CMAs to the 2 properties I looked at yesterday.
I answered PMs and email.
Next: had to divert my attention to my other business's needs so RE was done for the day HOWEVER...I did rehearse in my head the conversation I am going to have with this agent about making "aggressive" offers and if he was ready to do that for me pretty much the rest of the day.
Got on the mentoring call tonight.
Responded to a few forum entries
Delivered my dailies. Done for the night...
OBSERVATION: I doubt that I will finish the 30 day plan in 30 days due to the limited amount of available houses for sale and contacts in my little town. Won't give up tho! Will be approaching other nearby areas and agents if this doesn't work out here. Seriously thought about moving as well to a bigger area but the costs of doing so and monthly expenses has me hesitating.
Until tomorrow......