Today was a better day. While I feel like I didn't get many things done today, I did spend most of my day on RE chores.
After posting yesterday's blog entry first thing this morning, I checked my emails and answered my PMs.
I posted to 3 journals (I think) and read a few more.
I taught my partner the wonderful word of Google Earth
and showed him how to pin the areas of cash sales to look for trends and pockets. (This took much longer than it should have.)It's tough to do quickly when you have to do it over the phone.
I posted my ad to have RE agents find me for a change and passed that knowledge onto another DGer.
I haven't heard back from my agent but I know he was involved with an offer Wed. night and wasn't going to be in the office yesterday but I feel that maybe I should start looking around for another agent just in case he's given up on trying to work with me.
I attended the mentoring class tonight and learned a lot about who has to be on my power team for sure. I knew most of it but there were a few surprises. I'm hoping to use the line to my agent 'Who do you recommend for..." to help make them more comfortable with working with me and know that I'm serious. I just hate having to wait for an agent to get to work on these other players.
Decided that even tho it was after midnight, I was posting my dailies tonight and not waiting until the morning again.
Till tomorrow.....