So I was screwed again by Technology today. Was unable to get my broadband to work so I wasn't able to get online until tonight. I also got a window's warning saying my computer had just recovered from a serious issue and I have no idea what that was all about. I tried going to the websites to post ads using my dial-up connection but the sites were too graphic heavy so they were taking forever to open at such a slow speed. I figured my time was better spent trying to fix the broadband problem (which I did because I am here doing this now) and making more lures to help pay the bills.
This is what I did do today:
I answered some emails and PMs.
I was on the mentoring call
I wrote back to a fellow DGer in Tenn
Contacted new Agent about a meeting
Did my dailies
Calling it a night. (I should go to the classifieds pages but I have been in the heat all day and am just exhausted.
Note to self:
No excuses!! Do the ads TOMORROW!!!!!