I know, you all thought I would have posted this by now but last night, I was just too tired and needed to go to sleep. I mean if I don't get my 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night, I'm worthless the next day
Yesterday's (day 43) news is that I finally got some ads posted looking for buyers. I skipped CL because I just have spent too much time working on it with no results. My ads just don't come up on CL. (Like my daddy always said " If they don't want my business, screw 'em!. So I did!)
I also posted on a couple of journals
Answered my Emails and PMs
Listened to the mentor call
Checked out a few free classifieds sites
Posted 4 ads on 2 of the sites
Then called it a night.
I'll post today's stuff later
Till then...