day 73

Couldn't do too much today due to having to be in Lakeland today. I did check on my signs and the bad news is most of them are still in place. 1 was totally gone. No idea where it went. (Could have been removed by a walgreens employee because it was located at an exit of their parking lot. May not have been because there is a for rent sign on the other side of the same exit. Who knows? ) The worse news is that nobody called me still.

What else I did:
I did return a call to a fellow DGer
Made a couple of calls to landlords and left messages
Answered my PMs
Posted to a couple of forums

Doing my dailies early. I'm actually taking the time to watch MNF Eye-wink

It's that time of the month again and I have to make lures to pay the bills. I doubt there will be much time for me to do anything more RE wise until this is done. Will need things to start coming to me.

For all my followers, thank you for reading this Smiling I hope I am helping someone as well as myself. Maybe opening your eyes to see what it takes to succeed in a tough market.... Sometimes, the slow way. You may see that I have my ups and I have my downs and I'll express them both. As I wrote in the very first entry, I am doing this blog to get myself into the habit of holding myself accountable and having a routine. One of the problems of being your own boss is that you can easily get into the habit of NOT having a routine. That's been me for almost 20 years. I am ALWAYS working and that's a bad routine! It's not easy to break the habit. Have no fear tho, no matter how low I get or say I get, I don't have the one thing that is vital to failure.... I don't have QUIT in me. I always find a way to get the job done. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later but it does happen. It will happen for me doing RE too. I just don't know when.
So never give up and never give in. Never QUIT!!!

Till the next time....