Day 76

Today was a break through day. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!

I went to see someone who called from my signs about their house. They are the perfect candidate for a short sale. I went to see them today and have given their info to the Short Sale experts in my PSL REIA club. (I guess it's a good thing I still go to those meetings even tho they are so far away. I never met any short sale people at PCREIA.) If it works out, I'll be getting a check for half the profits from the sale. Even if it takes 6 months to complete, I'll know that I helped someone out of their jam and got them started on rebuilding their lives. That's a good feeling to have.

Other than that,
I returned a bunch of other calls from my signs
Read and posted to some forums

Doing my dailies then calling it a night.

Till tomorrow.....