Days 69 & 70

The path is long and I am weery. I've been reading over my last few entries and noticed that I do a lot on this site but I am not spending enough time looking for deals. That changed today!
I spent most of my RE time checking ads and trying to find homes for my buyers. I've found a few but will need to do more research before making calls on them.

Trying to do too much and not becoming a "trusted Authority" so that has to change as well. Have not gotten any more responses from my signs so I will be placing more out in other locations. Problem is, I posted them at all the grocery stores and walmart. How could NOBODY need to sell their house who goes to these stores? If I post them in the higher priced areas, I could get more leads but the houses are not what my buyers are looking for. They are either too big or the area is too highly priced. I need to seriously think about refocusing my area of interest to a more investor friendly area. Not enough going on in this town. OR, I haven't been at this long enough. Time will tell.....

Till tomorrow...