Newbie Jitters

Week One

My husband Bill and I are just starting out. We are following the blueprint in 30 Days to Real Estate Cash and have attended Boots on the Ground with Joe and Stacey Jurek. We like the blueprint angle because it sets down what we need to accomplish each week I like things to be neat and tidy.

We are both pumped and excited and yet a little scared at the same time. We are committed, know we might face some obstacles, but there is no turning back. This is everything we have ever hoped for and we are here for the long run. If anyone has any words of encouragement, my ears our open.

Me too

morbogred's picture

I am also just starting out. I just got Dean's new book Saturday and am reading through it. I want to sign up for a seminar or coaching because I need a "blueprint" or some kind of system. I work better that way. So far it is confusing between the book, the daily wisdom videos, the audio streams, etc. I am not sure where to start. I am ready to get to work. You guys sound like you have a great start. I guess we need to be naive like Matt Larson and just do what they tell us to do. Oh, did I mention that I know nothing about real estate.

Being a little scared is good but only if it makes you think a little and not freeze you from action. I know you guys will do great! Let us know how it goes and I will be checking with you as I grow and learn too. Bless You!

Keeping it simple

bcarten's picture

A coach, by the name of Roy, posted yesterday that we just have to keep two buckets filled--our cash buyers bucket and our motivated sellers bucket. Get buyers and get properties for them to buy. The rest is details. Going to a seminar or some sort of live training was helpful for us. Sometimes you just need to hear it in person. I hear a lot of people talking about the Success Academy. You might want to get some info on that.

Good luck to you.
