This is exciting

I spoke to my first Real Estate Agent and so far so good. We are so excited that this is really happening for us right now and can't wait for the next step in this process. We had a set back and had to wait a few days because I couldn't see so we are behind. But if this works out, then it won't even matter. Yay!!!


kareng's picture

When you post, when you go to "Contribute", if you click on "Forum Topic" instead of "Blog" your comments will show up in the Active Forum Topics area on the top right and more people will see them and be able to comment. You aren't being ignored, people just aren't seeing your posts.

It is VERY exciting when you first start talking to realtors and building your team. You will have lots of ups and downs, just don't EVER quit!

I hope your sight is OK.

And welcome to THIS site! Smiling You will find a wonderful bunch of people who will offer much support.

Good luck!


Thank you

bdpjr's picture

Thank you for the support. I don't know if I am doing this wrong because I am having problems getting a buyers list together. I am following the 30 days I have but still have questions and cant seem to find answers. I have a realtor but she claims she can't pull the buyers list and all she gets is the last name on the sell order. I did the county thing and pulled the names of the buyers from the last 90 days, but, it doesn't tell me how many or what kind of properties they like or are buying. I don't know what to do next and I am starting to get frustrated alot. Any input would help. Thank You