Keep Your Buyer's List Organized Through Google Docs

Google Docs is a wonderful and powerful tool you as a real estate investor/wholesaler can use to keep organized and simplify your business. And the great news is that it is free.

Through Google Docs you can create a questionnaire based on the questions listed in your "Questions to Qualify an Investor" form. Your questions offer responses by text, multiple choice, check boxes, etc. This simplifies things for the investor and gives them an opportunity to tell you in detail what they are looking for in their investment strategy.

Basically, once you have this questionnaire set up, when you get a lead on a new investor, you speak with them and then ask if you can email them a form that will take them only a few minutes to complete, but will assist you in knowing what they want so that you can work hard for them.

You send them the email and the questionnaire is actually in the body of the email, it's not an attachment. Once they click send at the bottom, it automatically goes back to you and their answers are listed in a Google spreadsheet with each answer being placed in a corresponding column.

Each investor that responds will be placed on a separate line in the order their information is received. You will then have an accumulation of all of your investors with all of their responses in one place. You can access this information on line through your gmail account.

We live in a day and age where technology is there to help us. Throw away the 3 X 5 cards and get organized.

Good luck

how? how! how?

I love this idea google docs is incredible! what are the questions how do i formulate this document and would it also be ideal for potential buyers or renters as well simply by asking a few different questions?

Google Doc - How to create

brentm's picture

Ok, you are going to love this!

1. Open up your google email
2. Click on Documents at the top
3. Click on Create
4. Click on Spreadsheet

You will see the spreadsheet that will accumulate your information as the questionnaire's are returned.

5. Click on Tools
6. Click on Form

You are now ready to compose your questionnaire

Under question type, you can choose paragraph text, multiple choice, check boxes, and choose from a list (there are 2 more, but I don't use them)

When you have completed a question, click on done, and go to the next. If you need to make changes to that question, click on the pencil and make your change.

At the top where it says "Untitled form", you put down what you want the person you are sending it to see in the title of their email. The next paragraph text box is where you can give them a message. I put down something like: Please take a few minutes to answer the below questions. By knowing more about the types of properties you want, we can better serve you. We look forward to submitting great deals to you soon."

Above you will see a button called "email this form". You can put in an email address and send it off. Do one at a time so you don't share your investors' email addresses with other investors.

Good luck.


reinvestor42's picture

nice job-thanks
this will help everyone get/stay organized


Thanks so much for the advice. The funny thing about using Google Docs is that i just recently received an email from Google to let me know that Google Docs is available for my use.

this is really nice!

Valuni's picture

thanks for sharing! I did see it from google too, but didn't think about using it... very nice.


rolo0207's picture

This is really awesome! Thank you for the advice!

where to find the "Questions to Qualify an Investor" form.?

csprague's picture

ive been looking all over this site for it.