Thank you for the opportunity to win your Ipad Mini. But more importantly, thank you for your continuous efforts to Make a Difference in the World.
It has been my experience that I can do anything when I believe in myself, create a plan to succeed, and execute that plan while overcoming obstacles and stumbling blocks.
What gets in the way of my success, and in the way of having the life that I love, is that I play an Act called "I can't do it right." It shows up as a voice in my head and becomes a belief that then kills all productivity toward success and thus leads me to failure.
To overcome this "Act", I have to declare to the Universe that it is merely an "act, that is not who I am, and I am leaving the act behind". "Who I REALLY am is Prosperity, Love and Making a Difference. And that is WHO I AM."
(Ask, Seek, Find)
(Ask, Believe and Act on it, Receive)
(Follow your BLISS)
God Bless YOU,
Dan Diener
What stops Me..
It seems like there is always somethng that takes up my time so I have no time to focus so I can"t seem to get started in real estate. Theen when I do have a little time I do not know where to start or I am afraid to take thatfirst step. Then there is thhe fear of having no money to. We filed BK a few years ago so we are get begining to build our credit. On top of all of this there are health issues to be taken into consideration. I have a great job, but I want more. I want to be independent and sucessful. I was an entreprenuer at one time but I can"t see to get that same drive.