Day 3 Calling Real Estate Agents

Today I called 20 different Real Estate Offices. I maintained a call log of every office, number, contact, and result. I was very confident on the phone and overall today everyone I spoke to responded very well.

I opened with "Hi, Im a cash buyer and I am looking for an agent who has experience working with Investors."

I continued with something like..."Im looking for an agent to find great deals on REO's and distressed properties. Basically everything besides short sales in my area/price range."

I sent out a total of 10 email responses by request of agents. My email highlighted my criteria and strategy to the realtor. It is a mix of Dean, Matt, and my own realtor finding scripts. It seems to be working well.

I have emails already from 6 different realtors. I have two appointments with realtors tmor morning. By the end of the calls I was completely more comfortable asking and answering questions with real estate agents. Tmor, the small bank asset manager's are next.