drjonmiller's blog

Day 3 Calling Real Estate Agents

Today I called 20 different Real Estate Offices. I maintained a call log of every office, number, contact, and result. I was very confident on the phone and overall today everyone I spoke to responded very well.

I opened with "Hi, Im a cash buyer and I am looking for an agent who has experience working with Investors."

I continued with something like..."Im looking for an agent to find great deals on REO's and distressed properties. Basically everything besides short sales in my area/price range."

I sent out a total of 10 email responses by request of agents. My email highlighted my criteria and strategy to the realtor. It is a mix of Dean, Matt, and my own realtor finding scripts. It seems to be working well.

Day 2 Posting Bandit Signs

I have been sidetracked with life but now am making a serious push to my first deal.

My goal is to have a deal by October 10th.

Today I hammered 36 bandit signs around Miami. I used the method described by Eddie Case in his Youtube video, and it all went as he described. No calls yet, but they will come. Been reading some blogs on here, and also posted some ghost adds on craigslist. Made a calendar of all the local REI clubs around Miami and am planning on attending as many as possible.

Day 1 First Dealings with RE Agents

I called 3 Real estate agents and Emailed a fourth.

Jonathan's Race to the NEXT LEVEL!

Hello everyone here at DG.com!

I am currently pursuing my first deal in RE. I am focusing on assignments in Miami Dade, FL. This is my third real push with RE since I ordered PNFRE in May 2009. Life, fear, and decent income have always seemed to stop my momentum to a halt after serious progress and possibly a obstacle or two.

I am here to tell you that every time I picked up RE again and TOOK ACTION I end up repeating past success plus pushing through whatever it was that slowed me down the last time and obtaining more progress than ever.

My current progress of ACTION is as follows.

-Made a vision board of what I want from and why I am in RE
-Familiarized myself with my market

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