Only You Can Stop You

Discouragment doesn't hits us all.

But Only You Can Stop You.

Like Tim McGraw song says:

" Are you hungry, Are you thirsty, is it a fire burns you up bad do you want bad do you need it...are you eatin, sleeping, dreaming with that one thing on your bad do you want bad do you need it...if you want it, all you gotta lay it all out on the line..."

I am finding daily that as I equip myself with all the resources at and have a system set up to just do something towards my goals, I will reach the finish line.

But like Winston Churchill, the great British prime minister of WWII said:

"Never give up, never give up, never give up"

I am encouraging those of you reading this to keep your eyes and heart daily focused on your dream not the obstacles because what you stay focused on in either thought or word, you will attract it to you.

Only You Can Stop You.

In His Pursuit


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