
I was working on a deal with neighbor across the street, with a slight language barrier! Since May 2011 I told them since they were stuck in an Adjustable rate mortgage that shot through the celling on them to the tune of 3K a month That I would I would buy there house from them valued at 220 for 110 and then they could just pay me the money like I was carrying the mortgage at highly reduced monthly payment and pay me 2-3 K for my effort. All they had to do was let me know eg give me the phone # on who to talk to..I found out yesterday that they payed a lawyer 10K to save there house and I dont even think they got there mortgage reduced, just paying a lower percentage !!! Hey I tried but it makes it worse because I tried to help them but I see them every day!!!!!


Mark K's picture

You'll see this kind of thinking quite a bit. People who are not familiar with real estate and the ins-and-outs of it will take what appears to be the safest route to them.
Try to just let it go and let them be happy with their decision. Just think, if something had gone wrong and you were involved, you'd be seeing scowls on their faces every day instead.
I used to work in a machine shop and there's always more than one way to do a job. You can explain it to somebody til you're blue in the face & they'll do it their way. Then when something goes wrong they'll blame you. Later on, when they realize that your way was right they won't apologize or say I'm sorry. Like a senior co-worker said a few times, you gotta have thick skin. Shrug it off and move on.

Chalk it up as experience.

Thanks Mark

Just saw the comment I did move on but I just watch them struggel everyday because they are right across the street but oh well thanks for the tip !!! Ps: My name is MARK Too;)