To keep myself accountable, I ask "What have you done lately to pursue your real estate dreams?"
After having my last offer rejected, I emailed my REA and had her compile a list of properties sold for cash in the last 90 Days to help build my buyer's list and also to see what the properties are actually going for to compare my offers that I have been putting in. I am going to reserch the buyers tonight and go from there.
I put 5 more offers on some houses. Emailed a potiental buyer. Going to research some out of state properties not sure as to where, but we will see. I have some money to invest, not sure if I should seek out a partner... Have three buyers from a local add that I need to call to see what they are lookig for.
It is keeping me up at night, my mind is becoming obsessed. I keep thinking what can I do more of, what can I do different? During my day job, all I can think of is did my REA call or email, I should be out looking at some houses, finding buyers...I am loving it.
So I ask you to ask yourself the same question, "What have you done lately to pursue your dreams?"