hillvalley's Profile

All About hillvalley

hillvalley's picture
Upper Midwest
About Me: 

I am fun, energetic-think out of box kind of person. My husband and I owned a company for 25 years and when the economy turned in 2008 it was no longer possible to stay in that business. As a family with 6 children, one being a newborn, we were forced to make severe lifestyle changes. Neither my husband nor I thought of the changes as permenant because we knew and believed that there is more to life then living in the rat race and are determined to live the best life that is possible.

I started studing with Dean in early 2009, I was so intrigued by the concept of Real Estate. We have had rentals in the past and it was something that was not scary to us, but as I studied and learned more, it was a whole new world opened up to me and to be honest I have become addicted and I love it. I have actually found that I enjoy it. Every lead is a opportunity for a new deal, I meet new people and the creative ways to make the deal happen is so invigorating.

This last year I resigned from my job at a school. Although, I miss some of the people, I haven't regretted my decission. Since then I have completed a few deals-not enough by far, it is our goal to have my husband retire from his job in two years and to be free from the rat race for good and enjoy or family and live the best possible life. There is not finish line in sight, because the possiblities are endless...

Well I would say my #1 interest besides my family, is Real Estate, but that is a given.:0) I enjoy horse back riding. We live on a farm with all kinds of animals and I enjoy the outdoor life. In the winter snowmobiling, snowshoeing and skiing are always fun. My kids are in all kinds of sports, so I enjoy watching them in basketball, football, swimming, wrestling, softball and baseball.

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 40 weeks ago
Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 27 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad dgadmin24018 years 39 weeks ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINA!!!! laurajohnson6910 years 32 weeks ago
I find this hard to believe cathyb1910 years 32 weeks ago

Basic Info

Full Time Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome Aboard

keb64's picture

Welcome to the site and the family. You have done a great bio which most people don't. Have fun on the ride..