Looking for Forms!

I just finished reading Dean Book (30 Days to Real Estate Cash) and I want to print out the forms that he advises I should have for when I am making my calls.

Lead Info. Sheet
Offer and Profit Calculator sheet
Phone Interview Sheet..

Can someone point me in the right direction as to WHERE I can print them out at?. I called the Success Academy but they can't help me Sad



kareng's picture

If you look under Joe Jurek's (Indiana Joe) "track" you will see that he has scripts for whoever you are dealing with at the time.



jduskin's picture

Thank you so much for your reply Karen! but I am not really looking for the script, In the book Dean talks about a Lead Info sheet, Offer and Profit sheet and a Phone interview sheet to have with you when you make your calls..

I am having trouble back tracking and finding them in the book...Smiling