I just started with the Success Academy and took my first step toward what someday I hope to be financial freedom. It's scary, and it can make you a little unbalanced to do something new, but logically I can deduce that this is a possibility, and because of that, it's worth it.
Information is an expensive commodity in this world, yet Dean gives us invaluable information for a price of a book. Unfortunately, for me, though, since my inaction is bound by emotions, I needed a helping hand to move forward.
Luckily, Dean has thought of that, too: The Success Academy. Already, after joining, I'm seeing small improvements in my comprehension regarding the material in the book; small improvements that will go a long way. Also, my coach, Eric, is a young man a year older than I -- twenty-five -- and he's on top of my 455 to get small objectives done every week. Having a coach really puts some fire at my feet, because I hate looking lazy or stupid (I'm know I'm using pride to force myself forward, but I'm Okay with that).
This week -- my first week -- I have done the following:
Lessons 1-3 of the Online Work, come up with a business name (not mandatory), Paid for an LLC (not mandatory), ordered bandit signs, ordered cards, and started 3 minute commercial for investors/cash buyers and distressed homeowners/sellers. Additionally, I went to the courthouse to try and get a list of cash-bought properties, then had Realtor call mls to search for "cash solds." Unfortunately, both gave no result. Afterward, I spoke with my Realtor (family member with whom I live), and asked if I could try myself (since I used to be a Realtor, even though I never did anything with my license). It took my 5 minutes and I had a list of 12000 properties purchased in cash. Those noobs.
Homework for this next week include the following information: Lessons 4-6 of online Success Academy, Finish 3 minute commercials, create a Google Voice answering machine for the business, create a ghost ad on craigslist, kijiji, and backpage, call 10 investors on craigslist, order postcards, reread chapters 1-4 of 30 days to fast cash with my mother (not mandatory), and start doing my due diligence regarding the cash-sold properties to find investors and their main addresses.
I am earnestly excited about this new endeavor, albeit I'm fearful of failure and looking uneducated in the environment in which I'm thrusting myself. As I look forward I keep one thing in mind: I must be the mask creator and wearer.
Explanation: They say that if you wear a mask too long, you may just become the mask (or something to that effect). I believe it has something to do with the thought of acting as the bad guy can give you traits of the bad guy (again..."or something to that effect"). Anyway, the same applies with good traits. If I wear the mask of an investor, which I am not, I may just find myself becoming one. Therefore, I must create the mask of who I want to be and let it mold my figure -- it's very Phantom of the Opera, I know.
Best of luck to everyone,
Jonathan Atom
Wow. You sure are wordy, self.