How Do You Find A Motivated Seller Fast, Then Find A Buyer Super-FAST?

So I go out and search for F S B O'S first.

Call the number listed and get info on the property.
The price, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and
square footage?
Then, I ask how long has =3,137.95828125 it been in the market and
why are you selling it?
Then you ask the owner if that's their lowest price?
Then, you do the research online at or at
the county records?
Then you do the comps on similar properties that
have recently sold in the last 6 months?
Then you contact seller to see their home and
make an offer at 50-70% less than the market value
BUT, now your suppose to subtract the repairs that
the house will need from the offer you make?
Then, if they agree to your terms, you assign a
contract with an exit strategy and you begin to
market and put up your for sale sign, AND contact
Investors, HML, Post on Craigslist, and DG.COM Right?

Ok, but how do I convince SELLER to say YES? I mean,
won't they just be turned off? Won't they just go with
the highest bidder? What if they don't honor the terms
and just back out at the last minute? If I take massive
action, duplicate this and make tons of offers, how do I
control this type of juggling act?
Do I make sense? Are my questions valid? If I need to move
fast and sell even would I be able to make this
I have to assume that their are very successful investors out
their that could give me some sound advice...I am open to
great ideas and methods that will work...?


charmaine buchholz's picture



to copy and paste your post in the regular forum in the proper category. very few people will see it back here. you need to move it out front so to speak. so it shows up in the active topics forum. then lots of people will answer. good luck to you.


Posting To Active Forum Suggestion

Thank you are very kind to advise me...I am not quite sure how to achieve this, but now I have a point of reference.

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