One contract brings 3 other leads...

One thing you always need to do is let people know you pay a referral fee. ALWAYS. I presently have more deals in my inbox than time to analyze. This is a great problem to have.

This blog entry comes because of Satuday this past holiday weekend. While most everyone else was at the lake or getting drunk at a BBQ I was collecting contracts for my next deal. On this particular deal the gentleman is helping his buddy sell a property. His buddy is paying him a few hundred to do the leg work. LIGHTBULB! After just being friendly and talking to him about his situation I was able to figure this out. He's out of work, college educated, and needs cash (this isn't an uncommon story today). I immediately told him I would pay referral fee if a property closes brought in by him (15%). I explained what scenarios often come up that we cash in on. No more than I drove away my phone was ringing.

He had a friend he did some work with who inherited a property and couldn't sell. He already called to verify he still had the property. Long story short we got a second property on contract because of this guy. Fast forward 1 day. He was out driving around the neighborhood and sent us 4 more properties that were vacant or abandoned. We got all this work done basically for free on a holiday weekend while most other businesses are closed we're processing leads using other people's time.

The way to get ahead is to use your play time as work time and always work smart.

Own Your Situation,