I was still consuming about 240 grams away of protein which is what I'd consumed my entire life which is still a lot right still a lot plenty more than enough protein Peter certainly in a in a in a positive energy balance tonight about the problem is at that level the protein lot of it is now being processed by the liver turned into glycogen your affectively exporting glucose again and again for most people that may not make that much of a difference but when you're really trying to thread that very delicate me love me personally doses it was enough to keep me from truly getting there and I sort found myself in a no man's land which is carbohydrates works reduced to the point where you are probably didn't have enough glucose to keep my brain entirely happy but through these high levels a protein wasn't quite allowing my liver to make enough you know the beta hydroxybutyrate know things like that that my brain would need to offset its deficiency glucose I was really in this kind of middle zone I'm and since that time having now work with a lot of people doing this themself it’s certainly the first pattern.
I observe and someone who's struggling so what happened on new one-year menu fixed this reduced your program and wealth into full-blown kilo well it was it was an amazing change you know after struggling for weeks with a few days at all reverted I'm my serum level so beta hydroxyl butyrate something we would you know put your finger to just monitor I'm got into sort of that zone would call the sweet spot and I just started to feel remarkable infect I'm when the 12 weeks was up by just didn’t want to go back and so you know for about the past year and a half I've kind of stayed in that state and the benefits for me have been have been really worth the trade-off because let's be honest there's a trade-off to being that strict about how many grams at this year the heat and how many grams is that you're going to eat and unite certainly wouldn't say that that’s something everyone should be doing or want to do but former it made a difference because primarily from endurance athletes and point which is something I might have a wannabe endurance athlete.
I really like the idea that I can go out for a very long bike ride to do very long swims to things like that I'm and my body has become so metabolically flexible at accessing fat stores that I really require very little supplemental substrate for glucose production so you can just go out and ride your bike for hours for what yeah my record so far on a 24 so I they have done a number Original Garcinia Cambogia be served by experiments myself my record so far is 24 hours a fasting and then a six hour bike ride well with just water well and sodium actually doing it somehow how they've got go for I'm went really well I mean by the time I finished that bike ride my you know not to get too technical my beta hydroxyl butyrate level was over five million dollars with the heart is pretty high that’s about the level at which even the pancreas now starts to secrete insulin response to the key towns to keep them in check but what prevents me from getting into key to acid doses of course I'm but it was a remarkable experience to be able to serve start to push the bounds of what the body can do.