It's All In Your Head

I just started reading Brian Tracy's "Maximum Achievement" and in Chapter 2 is something I would like to share with you all. This is particularly useful if like Dean says you have limiting beliefs. This really illustrates how our beliefs can help or hinder us.


"One day, I read a true story about a young man from a small town who graduated from high school with straight A's. He then applied to the state university for admission.

As part of the admissions procedure, he had to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test, like all the applicants to universities nationwide.

A few weeks later, he received a letter from the admissions department informing him that he had scored in the 99th percentile on the test and he was accepted for the fall semester.

He was happy to be accepted but there was one problem. He didn't know about percentiles and he concluded mistakenly that the 99th percentile was his IQ score. He knew that the average IQ is 100 and he felt he could never do university-level work with his "limited" intelligence.

For the entire fall semester he failed or nearly failed every course. Finally, his counselor called him in and asked him why he was doing so poorly.

"Well," he said, "you can't blame me. I've only got a 99 IQ." The counselor had the student's file in front of him. "Why do you say that?" he asked.

"That's what it said in my letter of admission to the university," he replied.

When the counselor realized what had happened he explained the difference between an IQ and a percentile.

"A 99th percentile means that you scored equal to or higher than 99 percent of all the students in America who wrote this test. You're one of the brightest kids on this campus."

When the young man realized his error and changed his belief about his intelligence, he became a different person.

He went back into his classes and went to work with a new sense of competence and confidence. By the end of the semester he was on the honor roll and he eventually graduated in the top ten of his class.

This story holds a valuable lesson for you, as it did for me. We too easily accept that we are limited in some way. Then we ignore or reject any evidence that contradicts what we've already decided to believe."

Most of us have no idea what we are truly capable of.

If you truly believe that you're strong, confident, compassionate, generous, loyal and successful, then you will by default act in a way that will make this your reality.

Conversely, if you truly believe that you're naturally weak, stupid, relatively stingy, poor, prone to mistakes/failure, relatively unsuccessful, etc. then you will by default end up making this your reality also.
People tend to act in a way that is consistent with the way they see themselves.

Certainly the world around us and circumstances have an effect on us but even so it's our beliefs about ourselves that shape how we deal with life and it's challenges.

I am also not saying that belief will automatically become reality but it certainly will help change reality sometimes very quickly and in other situations and circumstances over a longer period of time. But, we are worth the time and effort aren't we?

You can change your beliefs. Ask for help - from others, from a higher power. But you have to choose to change those limiting beliefs and then you really have got to believe that change is possible and achievable for you.

Hypnosis works because it bypasses the "brain" and goes straight to the subconscious mind that does not have all those "filters" aka limiting beliefs.

I have script that I wrote for myself that outlines all the things I want to be true about myself. I read it first thing in the morning and again right before bed. Reading before bed helps impress these ideas into your subconscious mind while you sleep.

It is very important that your statements are clear and in present tense for example: Don't say I will be... instead say I am...
I will implies some point in the future it could be tomorrow but then again it could be next month or next year or next decade. I am implies it is presently happening.

Try it for yourself and see how it will work for you.

warmest regards,