so submitted a letter of intent thinking i had this thing figured out. the guy said he would consider my offer with a few minor changes. i am not locked into anything yet. but i am stuck mentally, i have lenders lined up but this house does not meet their criteria, which i know within the next day or so i can solve that. my problem lies in how to do a closing with no money. between attorneys and legals its going to cost up to 7000, to close which i spoke with at least 7 lenders and none will cover closing. am i just not finding the right lender or what. the deal with the seller will be 25,000 with 500 deposit to secure the contract 24,500 amortized over 20 years making my payment about 140 a month, my deal with the lender was................... all wrong. i just answered one of my questions, allow the lender to hold 2nd mortgage for the repair cost, sell pay both off keep the difference. ok so now that is taken care of where do i find the closing cost, an attorney wont work for free.